Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

For Cardassia!

Garak's last conversation with Dr. Bashir is an important one to understand the Cardassian character. He laments the fact that the Cardassia he knew is gone forever and that their status as "second to none" is as gone from the alpha quadrant as th Dominion. Bashir reassures him that the Cardassians are a strong people and Cardassia will survive but this does nothing to help Garak. What is really bothering him is that "so many of their best people" have had their lives unjustly cut short.

I think we can see here a contradiction in the Cardassian, perhaps from being influenced by humans for so long. Cardassians would typically be the type to worry about the greater glory of their homeland rather than the death of their fellows. After all, what is an individual to the might and glory of the State? But here, I think, we can see that the real sorce of Garak's angst is the loss of so much life. The death of each Cardassian eats at his soul, whether they be the best or the worst the planet has to offer. Of course, a true Cardassian would always cover this emotion behind a viel of patrioticism, as Garak attepts to do, but I think we, as viewers, are called to see beyond this viel. We are called to the the suffering of every individual Cardassian, rather than that of greater Cardassia.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Benjamin Sisko Lives!

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The End Draws Nigh...

Well folks, the time has come. The time for me to sit down and watch the finale to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The series has been a blast so far, with its intricate story archs (which are much more believable, given the station setting, than the star ship rolling through space) and intense romances. These archs and the sense of community on DS:9 was something Trek was unable to ressurect for Voyager (Not to deny that Voyager was an awesome series as well). It seems that throughout much of Star Trek the Federation acts as a sort of galactic peacekeeping force, rolling in and solving a planets problems, but DS:9 went much deeper than that, which is probably why I respect the series so much.

Thanks to both of you, dear readers, for you consideration. And thank you SpacerGuy, for your comments and feedback.

I will not abandon this blog. I plan on keeping it my place for Trekkie insights and thoughts as I go boldly on into the future.

May the Prophets Guide your Paths.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Meditation Time

Medication Time.
Medication Time.
Meditation Time?

Louise Fletcher as Kai Winn and Nurse Ratched. Two very similar high priestesses; one for the Cult of the Prophets, one for the Cult of Psychiatry

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ivan Karamazov and the Pah-Wraiths

I just couldn't watch the episode "The Covenant" and listen to Gul Dukat lecture (now colonel) Kira on how the Prophets have abandoned the people of Bajor without thinking of the chapter "The Grand Inquisitor" from Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov".  Ivan, one of the Karamazov brothers, tells the story of an inquisitor who denies Jesus Christ because he believes that, though God is most definitely real, he has done harm to mankind.  He comments that though God wishes men to live not by bread alone, most men are not strong enough to live without bread. The Inquisitor takes the place of God in building a future for mankind and is motivated, not by power, but by altruistic love.

In this way, Dukat may be something like him (although Dukat's intentions are not quite clear at the point I'm at).  Kira mentions that she believes he has changed. He longs for the Bajorans to love him for what he did to their planet and people; a longing that will never be satisfied.

So he has allied himself with the Pah-Wraiths against the Prophets, as Nimrod challenged Abraham and the Grand Inquisitor challenged Jesus Christ. Perhaps it is because he believes the universe is unjust and sees the Pah-Wraiths as a source of hope. Perhaps, like the Grand Inquisitor, he is truly motivated by love. Or, more likely, he is motivated, like Nimrod, by his own insatiable lust for power. He would rather all men turn to bricks for him to build his own monument with. It matters little to him, as we saw in the occupation, whether or not their bellies are full

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beginning of the End: A few thoughts.

Well, this is it. I've just watched the end of the second to last season of DS:9 and I'm starting the beginning of the last. While I haven't gotten too in depth with the series on this blog (I've been sticking to a journalistic theme) I do want to lay down a few feelings about this transition.

1. DS:9 has done what Lost tried, and failed, to do. Both series became increasingly involved in the surreal (one might say magical) towards the end. The problem with Lost is that it had previously been a very character driven show and as soon as good character-building was compromised by mysterious trips into the future, the show lost its lustre. DS:9, conversely, becomes entrenched in the celestial battle between Prophets and Pagh-Wraiths, between a struggling writer and reality, without losing any of it essential character building. Whereas Lost would throw in a few random characters when they didn't know what to do, DS:9 gives an old character a new face.

2. Which brings me to Dax. Yes, she's dead. Well, Judziah is but Ezri is welcomed onto the stage. I really didn't see this coming, but then again I didn't see Yar dying off during the first season of NextGen either. This completely sets afire the love situation between Dax and her many admirers (Hey, the girl is pretty. Ezri Dax and Kes from Voyager are my favourite Trek girls. It's something about the short hair).

3. What's up with Sisko? Is he really a writer in our universe? Star Trek could never do that, could they? That would make every single other character simply a figment of his imagination. I certainly don't believe that could ever happen but I'm anxious to see how it turns out.

I'm sorry about how sloppy this writing is and I've kind of been neglecting this blog lately (I've been focusing on my political and philosophical blog "Der Kaiser is Put"). I can't take the time to iron out these ideas into something more coherent when my Netflix is begging me to press play and watch the drama unfold. I don't have any idea how people who had to wait a week for each episode survived!

Peace, my fellow Trekkies, and may the Prophets guide your path.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Essentialists Spoil Risa

(Leaders of a radical essentialist group give a speech on Riza shortly before commiting their act of sabotouge.)

            The pleasure planet of Risa, usually home to carefree hosts and relaxing citizens of the Federation was plagued by a storm that threatened to destroy the weather control grid. A section of Risa which does not usually experience rainfall fell prey to gusts and torrents after the weather control grid was knocked offline by a group of radical essentialists. The essentialists, led by a man named Fullerton, oppose what they see as the lavish lifestyle most citizens of the Federation live and believe that a return to the basic values on which the Federation was founded is the only way to survive an attack by the Federation's enemies.

            The essentialists have been camped out on Risa for quite some time now, usually limiting themselves to speeches in front of the beach-goers but began escalating their action with a raid on a local restaurant. Armed men broke into the restaurant and began taking the diners prisoners only to reveal that their phazer-rifles we not loaded. Apparently this show didn't make enough of an impact as the group decided to take control of the weather control relay and use it to case a massive rainstorm.

            The storm lasted several days but eventually, Star Fleet officers were able to take control of the region and reestablish calm skies. Risa is well on its way to a complete recovery and should be full of vacationers again soon.    

Sunday, January 15, 2012


(The late General Martok was replaced by a changeling at an unknown time. The threat was ended with the changeling's death.)

A clandestine operation executed by several Star Fleet officers derailed a conspiracy that stretched to the very top of the Klingon High Council itself. Martok, second in command to the high chancellor Gowron himself, was revealed to be a changeling after being shot multiple times by Klingon disruptors at the ceremony to bestow the honor of the Order of the Bat'leth. Several Star Fleet officers, accompanied by our own security chief Odo, were able to gain entrance to the ceremony and reveal the conspiracy, which threatened to place control of the Klingon empire in the hands of the Dominion.

It is believed that the Dominion wanted Odo to think Gowron was a changeling and compel him to assassinate the chancellor. This would open the path of secession to Martok, and open the highest seat in the Klingon Empire to a Dominion agent. Perhaps the most disturbing thing about this whole ordeal is that the imposter Martok was able to remain undetected for so long, despite submitting to blood tests. Another dose of insecurity has been added to the climate of fear already surrounding Deep Space Nine and the rest of the alpha quadrant caused by the Dominion threat.

On a positive note, however, war with the Klingon Empire has once again been avoided, or at least postponed. A cease-fire has been reinstated but the Klingons are unlikely to commit to a lasting peace until they have obtained a perceived victory.

Friday, January 13, 2012


(Lt. Worf will be remaining on the station after being proved innocent of massacre during his extradition trial.)

Worf, son of Mogh has many enemies in the Klingon Empire and it came as no surprise that when he was believed to have killed a Klingon civilian vessel in combat that an extradition trial would be held. It also was no secret that the Klingons planned to use the scandal to their advantage by putting the Federation on the defensive and allowing undeterred Klingon expansion into more sectors of Cardassian space. Worf was cleared of all charges at the end of the trial Commander Sisko, serving as the defense counsel, was able to prove that the Klingons had falsified records to serve their ends.

Worf was locked in combat with a cloaked Bird of Prey when he thought he had predicted their maneuvers. He set his torpedoes to where he believed they would show themselves again and fired as a ship began to decloak. The ship he destroyed turned out to be a civilian transport and no life signs were apparent for any survivors of the explosion.

At least, that's how the story was originally believed to have happened. Our own Constable Odo was able to unearth some interesting facts regarding the civilian transport. For one, the list of deceased from the passenger list was identical to the list of "survivors" of a crash just a few weeks earlier. It is the Federation's official position that the Klingons falsified records to make it appear as though the people who had died in a crash a few weeks ago had in fact been murdered by Worf. All has been sorted out now and the Klingon lawyer arguing for extradition leaves the station later today, quite possibly with his tail between his legs.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Fantastic explosions of white light spread through space on the Klingon border after a secret mission involving Deep Space Nine federation and Bajoran militia officers. The explosions were the result of the destruction of a Klingon minefield being constructed on their border which would have protected them in the event of a war with either the Bajorans or the Federations.

(Gowron, leader of the Klingon High Coucil, makes an epic face upon hearing that the Federation would stand against his invasion of Cardassia.)

Constructing a minefield is considered by all major powers in the Alpha Quadrant to be an act of war itself and this recent move by the Klingon Empire illustrates a growing trend towards hostility which began with the dissolving of the Federation's treaty with the Klingon Empire. The treaty, which had held the relationship between the Federation and the Klingon Empire in Peace since the days of Ambassador Spock, was dissolved in the wake of the Klingon invasion of Cardassia. When the Federation stood against Klingon attempts to take control of the Cardassian home world, the Klingons declared their former allies to be cowards and formally dissolved all ties to them. Gowron, the leader of the Klingon High Council was originally a friend to the Federation and had significant ties to Lieutenant Worf, who is currently stationed on DS:9, but would not tolerate what he perceived as a betrayal by the Federation and Klingon/Federation relations have suffered in the civilian sector as well as at the negotiation table.

Suspicions of malicious activity were first aroused when explosions were seen on the Klingon border and several Birds of Prey were observed. The ships were reportedly displaying illusive behavior and gained the attention of local officers. A damaged Bird of Prey was towed into the station and the Bajoran and Federation authorities were able to gather more information on the activities while it was being repaired.  

Upon further investigation, the officers of this station discovered that the Klingons were strategically laying mines to prevent Federation and Bajoran access to an entire sector of space. Taking preemptive action, a runabout was sent out to detonate the mines (there is no word concerning damage to Klingon ships or casualties) and at least delay an open confrontation with the Klingon Empire.  


(Bajoran poet, Akorem was thought to be
deceased for over two hundred years before his resuce from the wormhole.)

The latest Bajoran religious crisis has come to a close as Commander Sisko reclaimed his place as Emissary to the prophets and revered figure to the Bajoran people. The question considering who the rightful emissary was which have persisted since the poet, Akorem, was found in the wormhole has finally put to rest with his disappearance. Commander Sisko and he journeyed into the wormhole to resolve their dispute over the prophets will by asking the prophets themselves, who are believed to reside in the celestial temple there.

When Akorem first arrived on the station and declared that the prophets had chosen him as their emissary, Commander Sisko offered no objection and conceded the position to the poet from over a hundred years in the past. The struggle between them began when Akorem advocated a return to the D'Jarra system, a move that not only would set Bajoran progress back to a period before the Cardassian occupation but would also render their application to join the Federation moot but was supported by Bajoran religious leadership, including Kai Winn. The Bajoran people followed their relgious leadership as usual and Bajorans throughout the station were considering new lives more appropriate to their D'Jarra. Lower class Bajorans gave up seats to higher class Bajorans at local bars, something which conflicts with the Bajorans' sense of egaligatrainism that has developed after the occupation Neither the Federation's strict adherence to a rule against discriminatory caste systems or the Bajorans' allegiance to the Emissary would be swayed. The people were looking at either a Bajor without the Federation or without the Emissary.

Commander Sisko protested the return to the old ways, claiming they were not right for Bajor or its people at this point in history. The two decided to seek the prophets in the celestial temple and ask the prophets which path was correct for Bajor. According to Commander Sisko, the prophets determined that he was the Emissary, a distinction he has spent much of his career avoiding and that Akorem chose to return to his own time and be with his wife again. The people of Bajor, particularly those on this station, embraced Sisko as the Emissary once again and abandoned the pursuit to return to the old caste system.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


(Quark serves a lone customer at his bar during the downturn brought about by the Bajoran period of cleansing and the recent strike.)

Quark's is back to its usual status as center of activity on the promenade after management and labor have finally come to a settlement just in time for the end of the Bajoran period of cleansing and the spike in business this will create. Both employer and employees were in high spirits today as the droves of customers, Bajorans free from fasting and non-Bajorans, rolled into Quark's ready to relax and enjoy themselves.

The strike began last week after Quark announced that wages would be cut and hours extended in order to accommodate for the lack of revenue brought in by the Bajoran period of cleansing, which is often a bane to local establishments that provide food or drink that is prohibited to Bajorans during this period, including synthahol. Instead of submitting to the authority of management, as is Ferengi tradition, the mostly-Ferengi workforce chose to defy tradition and stand against Quark. The workers formed a union, which are heavily forbidden by Ferengi law, and set demands for higher pay, better hours, and paid sick leave; all of which are virtually unheard of in the Ferengi working environment. The strike was headed by the proprietor's own brother and, by some reports, most abused employee, Rom. Rom's fight against his brother led many to avoid the bar and even inspired a confrontation between three high-ranking star fleet officers on this station which ended in violence causing Commander Sisko to search for a solution to the unrest he had originally supported.

Agents from the FCA (Ferengi Commerce Association) were reportedly sent to quell the strike but operated outside of the public eye. The FCA has a strict policy against either participating in a strike or meeting the demands of one, putting Quark in the difficult position of choosing between angering his Federation landlords or the FCA and suffering severe fines from Ferenginar.

Fortunately, a resolution was made just in time for the end of the period of cleansing. Rom declined to comment on the resolution and Quark has given no hints himself as to what terms were debated or agreed upon during any negotiations between the parties. Whatever they employees got out of the deal, they seemed happy to be back to work and Quark seemed quite relieved to be turning an acceptable profit again.